Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Meeting clips

I think one of the more powerful tools we can use to convince people of the need to replace these Board members are clips from actual Board meetings in which the Board Directors speak for themselves. They often provide the case for their replacement.


  1. At the Board meeting of November 17, 2010, Director Martin-Morris scolds his Board colleagues for having the bad manners to actually try to confirm a claim made by Dr. Enfield, then the Chief Academic Officer. The statement by Dr. Enfield proved false, which only made Mr. Martin-Morris more strident in his insistence that the Board regard it as true.

    Director Martin-Morris says that the Board should regard all staff statements as the gospel truth and not question them in November of 2010, while the Board was aware of the RSBDP scandal, after the Board had already learned that the claims about audit corrections were false, when the very statement he is trying to defend had been proven false and two members of the staff, including Dr. Enfield, had already apologized for it.

    This does not reflect much interest in Board oversight.

  2. We need to find the clip from the Board meeting of June 17, 2009, as each Board member, in turn, acknowledges that they don't know what the Curriculum Alignment consultant's contract (for $756,300) is for, and then they all vote for it.

  3. We need to get the clip from the Board meeting of February 3, 2010, when the Board approved a contract for $800,000 for New Technology Networks. Lots of horrible mistakes made there.

  4. On May 5, 2010, the Board approves spending over $700,000 for an upgrade to the District web site. This comes just days after the April 21, 2010 vote to RIF teachers.
